Top 7 Tips for House Training a Puppy

July 15, 2019

Getting a new puppy is super exciting, but house training them can be extremely difficult. You may be asking yourself where you should even start, or maybe getting frustrated that your efforts don’t appear to be working. Although you may be feeling overwhelmed, we’re here to help.

If you’re asking yourself how to house train your new puppy, we’re about to answer that question. We will provide you with the steps to house train a puppy the right way, so that you can house train with ease. Keep reading to learn our top 7 tips for house training your new puppy.

#1 Develop a Feeding Schedule

One of the first things you need to implement before house training your puppy is a regular feeding schedule. This is simply a must-have to get your puppy into a routine. Feed them at the same time(s) every day, and take away their food between meals. Also, do not leave water out overnight to prevent any unnecessary accidents. 

Most puppies need to eat three measured meals, at approximately the same time every day. This should include a breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It is important to note that your puppy’s dinner or last meal of the day should always be around 5 p.m. 

This way, your puppy will have time to digest and go out one last time before bedtime. Once you get your puppy on a regular eating schedule, their digestive system will get on a schedule as well, helping immensely with the house training process. 

#2 Learn the Signs

Most puppies will give you some sort of sign that they need to go out, so it is important that you learn those signs for your own furry friend. Some of the most common examples of a sign of this sort include: pacing in circles, barking or scratching at the door, sniffing the floor, or squatting.

Once you’ve learned your puppy’s specific signs, you can use these as a cue of when you need to take them outside. This will help prevent accidents and can make the house training process go much smoother. 

#3 Establish a Routine

Just like having an eating schedule is important, establishing a regular schedule for taking your new puppy outside is also key to house training them. You should take your puppy outside on a regular schedule. As a general rule, puppies will train easier if things remain consistent. For that reason, you need to establish a routine and stick to it. 

A good example of a going out schedule is as follows:

  • Take your puppy out first thing in the morning, so that they have a chance to go out the second they wake up. 
  • Then, continue letting them outside once every 30 minutes to an hour.
  • After feeding your puppy, it is important to give them time to digest and then take them outside so that they can do their business after mealtime.
  • Right when your puppy wakes up from a nap, take the time to take them outside. They usually will have to go right after waking up.
  • Also, before going to sleep at night, take your puppy out one final time. Make sure they get the opportunity to go outside right before bed to help prevent any accidents overnight. 
  • Another important thing to note is that you should take your puppy outside before they are ever left alone. This way, they can relieve themselves one final time before you leave and can help prevent any accidents due to anxiety.

#4 Location Matters

When taking your puppy outside, the physical location that you take them can make a difference. Take your puppy to the same general location every time you go outside. As you go to the same location over and over, your puppy will mark it with their scent and become comfortable in that spot. 

Also, for consistency’s sake, stay with your puppy as they go outside. Especially early on, your presence can help them feel more comfortable while doing their business outside. As your puppy gets used to going outside, you can slowly start to let them go out alone. 

#5 Praise is Important

When your puppy does something worth rewarding, reward them! When they do their business outside, praise them and/or give them a treat. Another great option is taking your puppy on a walk as a reward. You can reward your own furry friend with whatever they enjoy most, whether that is a game of fetch or small treat. 

Rewarding your puppy with praise will help them to recognize that this new behavior is a good thing. If you praise your puppy for going outside, they will likely be more willing to continue that behavior so that they continue to receive rewards. Praise is an essential part of training your puppy.

#6 Consider Crate Training

If you’ve got your puppy on a consistent schedule and are still experiencing lots of accidents, it might be time to consider crate training. Crate training is the next step up from the training methods we’ve discussed thus far, and might be a great option if you’re having a hard time with house training. It can be very successful if it’s done right, so take the time to learn exactly how to crate train your new puppy.

The first step to crate training is getting the actual crate if you do not have one already. Crate size is very important to proper crate training. You want the crate to be large enough for your puppy to stand up, turn around, and lie down. However, the crate should not be large enough for them to use the corner as a bathroom. 

While crate training, leave fresh water for the puppy if you’re going to be leaving them in the crate for a while. Also, make sure that they have a break in the middle of the day. Keeping your puppy cooped up in their crate all day will probably not be effective in getting them house trained.

When house training, crate training can be the method that really makes a difference in your puppy’s understanding. Make sure you follow our tips and crate train correctly so that this method can be successful for you.

#7 Dealing with Accidents

As you’re house training, dealing with accidents is unfortunately inevitable. However, you can make things easier for yourself by staying calm and collected. Be patient with your puppy and realize that accidents are just a part of the training process.

Because accidents are bound to happen, the best thing you can do is to be prepared. Make sure you have a good multi-purpose cleaner to use to clean up any accidents. Your house can stay nice and clean throughout the house training process.

You’re Ready to House Train!

Now that you’ve heard our top tips for house training your new puppy, it’s time to try it out yourself. Just remember that house training takes time, so remain as patient as possible throughout the process. 

Try to follow our steps and remain consistent for the best results while housing training. And no matter how frustrating it feels now, remember that house training your puppy will be well worth it in the end.